Sunday, April 29, 2012

Brot, Brot, und nochmals Brot

Es ist schon eine Weile seit wir zuletzt Brot in der Bäckerei gekauft. 
Wir backen selbst unseres Brot oder bekommen es.

Mein Lieblingshefezopf, das wir von H bekommen haben. H macht den besten Hefezopf der Welt!
Mein Lieblingshefezopf...sehr locker, wie Luft!
Die Brotrinde war ein bisschen hart geworden
Aber es ist trotzdem lecker
Nächster Versuch. Soweit das Brot unten ist unseres normale Brot. Ok, nicht den Hefezopf. Ich habe endlich Mut gehabt, Hefezopf selbst zu probieren. Es war sehr lecker geworden. Optisch muss ich noch üben. 

Wie beim Bäcker!

Letzter Versuch beim Brotbacken. Hefezopf und Normales Brot. Normalerweise backe ich nur mit 500 g Mehl. Da ich auch ein Stück jemandem schenken möchtet, hatte ich 1000 g gemacht. 
Optisch nicht schlecht, feucht wegen zu viel Wasser...grrrr!
Teil Vollkorn Hefezopf....wesentlich schwerer

Was ich gelernt habe:
1) Nicht einfach 2x die Wassermenge benutzen wenn man von 500 g zu 1000 g backt. Dieser Fall hat es zu viel Wasser bekommen. Schwierig zu schneiden und ein bisschen feuchter als sonst.
Löcher wenn man nicht richtig formt!

CATS: Mr. Mistoffelees

Have you heard about the play entitled The Cats? I sure have but was never really into it. It didn't catch my attention as to want to know what it is all about. All I knew is that the song Memory was part of the play and that the play itself is a huge success. Recently, that changed. 

Watched the film version of The Cats.

Most favorite part:
Rum Tum Tugger singing/introducing Magical Mr. Mistoffelees. 

The music is so catchy; can't stop humming/singing this part the whole time..... 

'And we'll all say
Oh well I never was there ever
A cat so clever as magical Mr. Mistoffelees'

Daughters-in-Law by Joanna Trollope

Don't you love having a new book on your hands? No creases, no folds, no blots.....

I was pleasantly surprised that our library acquired new English novels and quite a number to boot. I borrowed two. 

There is always the story since time immemorial between in-laws and new family members not getting along. The book was an easy read. Short description of the story: Mom was the center of everything for her family of 3 boys and husband. Slowly, the children got older, got married. Mom no longer felt wanted, an outcast even. 

Favorite line: 
And most of all, marriage doesn't happen in public.

How true it is. Sure, there are times you see couples making scenes in public (fighting or being intimate). But most stuffs, good and bad, happen behind the scenes.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Novel: Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress by Dai Sijie

It has been quite some time since I last read a novel. I chose this novel out of a number of English novels around. Why? I didn't even know who Balzac was but it reminded me of the name Bergerac of Cyrano de Bergerac.
It was an easy afternoon read. Luo, his friend, the little seamstress, the old miller, the village headman........there weren't a lot of characters. Phoenix mountain was one of the settings.....what a magical name! The book is mainly a first person narrative, up until almost the end.
I had to reread phrases or sentences because I thought they were wonderfully written. Yup, it is one of those books you don't want to put down. I was intrigued to find out if Luo and the little Seamstress ended up together, were Luo and his friend had the chance to get back to their former city lives. Thinking apart from the characters in the book, I wondered about the real city young adults who were sent to villages for their re-education during the Cultural Revolution. Whatever happened to them.
If you like this novel, you may want to watch the film. I hadn't seen the film. I saw a film with the cultural revolution as the backdrop entitled To Live. It is directed by Zhang Yimou. I highly recommend it if you want to clean your eyes with your own tears. It was pretty much bad luck one after the other for this family. Sigh......


LINKERS -NG, -G, NA. Exercise: Adjectives + Nouns; Nouns + Adjectives Complete the phrases below using linkers -ng, -g, na. Adjecti...